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Essential Skills for Post-Covid Era
COVID-19 has taken over the world, and everything seems to be going downhill. But what will happen when you get back out in the world? Not to worry! Here are some skills that will come in handy in the post COVID era!
The year 2020 has given rise to a new crisis, the COVID-19, and in the wake of this catastrophe, the whole world is shutting down. The current situation has brought an unprecedented change in how people think and how leisure, work, education, and life, in general, is approached. Everything seems to be handled differently, and that is, for sure, going to stick around when you step back into the world.
While everything appears to be unfamiliar, the one familiar thing you have is undoubtedly, technology. Amid the crisis when the world is witnessing a paradigm transition, there are some skills you might get a hold of since that is what the post COVID era will demand you.
Get some grip on coding – It won’t lose its demand even after COVID-19
Imagine acquiring a skill set that will not only help you in being more marketable as a job candidate but will also increase your monthly earnings. Since the whole world is running on technology today, there is no better skill to learn than coding. Programming and technology-related jobs are the only kind of work that could be easily done remotely. The post-COVID era can surely demand a remote employment trend, and surely coding will triumph as a sector with the highest demand under such future circumstances.
A background in coding will help unlock doors to dream careers and outstanding future possibilities. And that with an industry of your choice. Coding will not just limit you to the tech field; there are a million benefits added to it. It helps you in thinking smartly and assists you in breaking down a problem into individual steps for tackling it, while also opening up your mind to new ideas. Regardless of what the post COVID situation might be, with coding, you can easily land stability.
Students getting the most out of their downtime
As a student at this crucial time, everything seems to be declining, and everything seems pointless. Well, now that you have a whole lot of time, why not use it for doing something that might prove useful in the future? Take some courses online, especially those related to technology and coding, that might help you in polishing your coding skills. You can also learn more about programming and applying it to building or creating something new. That way, not only are you learning a different skill, but you are also sharpening it by putting it into use, which will ultimately help you in the long run.
Technology as a helper in matters of social distancing and health
As unhealthy as it might seem, technological resources are actually helping out children get engaged in learning something new and understand why social distancing at this time of need is necessary. Since everyone has been locked in their homes, technology has started buzzing around like busy bees. It is pollinating the online firm with fun, exciting, and malleable ways to keep the students engaged and excited.
For students that are eager to learn some skills that will help them in the post COVID era, Siliconvalley4u is the place to be. It is a platform that works on creating teaching programs and workshops related to AI and coding for the youth.
Website: www.siliconvalley4u.com
Email: info@siliconvalley4u.com
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Siliconvalley41
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/siliconvalley4u
Written by Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu, CEO/Founder of Siliconvalley4u