
Is Coding the New Literacy? Should I Invest in Coding?

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Can you as a parent recall the time when you were reading books to your baby, they were probably days old, weeks old, years old. It was so important that you would read to them for hours, every day, no matter how tired you were or how crazy your children acted - you as a parent fulfilled your responsibility to make sure your child was read to!

Why did you put in so much effort, so much time? It is because reading is very important - we use words to communicate and how else would they -- reading is the way to know what the words mean.  As Mark Twain quotes “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”

Do you agree with me so far? I am sure a lot of parents do. But do you also agree NOW the world has changed? Ideas are not just communicated in words, books, or news anymore.

We are in the digital world. Ideas have gone digital.  In the past few years, computers and devices have become ubiquitous in our lives - we wear them, we use them to READ, we talk through them, we communicate through them, we stay connected through them. We create new ideas with devices.

So how do we create, communicate, consume these ideas, digitally?  We do it with code.  

It was and still is very important - reading, writing, math but now coding is a new kind of literacy, just like reading!  Coding is a skill of the 21st century – with today’s rapid technological advancement, it has quickly become as necessary a skill as writing and math and is important for a wide range of professions. My team and I had a debate about why is coding the new kind of literacy, conclusions are shared right here to show you how passionate my team is to help your child. The top three reasons we believe learning how to code, joining a coding school is:

Coding skills are in high demand. The industry is in constant need for not only coders, or developers but graphic designers, project managers, product creators, mathematicians. To be able to work in any industry and being able to code using JavaScript, Python, or any common computer programming language is a great step toward a secure and stable job or being an entrepreneur.

Coding builds a good foundation students for high school and beyond. Like any foreign language, coding skills are best learned early. Once kids are able to think logically and solve a coding problem, the movement or navigation to any other language is easier. At siliconvalley4u, we help students graduate to the next levels and make the courses fun-based with projects. When we were conducting boot camps AP Comp Sci and Computer Sci Principles one of the biggest hurdles to succeeding in high school or college-level computer science classes is lack of confidence in tackling the difficult, unfamiliar material. This is why we repeat coding skills are best learned early – being introduced to coding at an early age makes it easier to learn the more technical aspects of computer science in high school and college. In fact, a study by Google and Gallup shows that early exposure is one of the most important ways we can shrink the gender gap in STEM, as it boosts confidence in kids.

Coding is a life skill - you are gifting your child at an early age by investing in a good coding school.  Even if your child does not want to be an engineer or a programmer, their coding skills will prove useful across all fields. Coding teaches problem solving, organization, math, storytelling, designing, and more! The fun fact about coding is that it comes in handy for different aspects of life and allows your child to express themselves creatively.

Most of us learned to read,  even though we aren't authors or writers. I started Siliconvalley4u to teach kids coding literacy, and help them gear up for their digital future, no matter what they decide to do in their careers.  We allow kids to do anything from writing stories and building video games to making Minecraft mods and designing animations. Siliconvalley4u has done a lot of career pathways research, to help every student create they own interest based pathway and an enjoyable journey of how to code and make it fun - where they hardly feel they are learning!  At my coding school, I have experienced this first hand where coding enables a child from just a user to an innovative creator, with a vision that sees any piece of technology as an opportunity make it better, to create something new and be a solver than just a consumer.

We would love for you to come and try one of our programs or schedule a meeting with our early pathway career counselors. Our program highlights:

- Professional coding instructors who track your child's progress

- Low student-teacher ratio

- Lessons & software that are accessible from your home computer

- Applying coding skills to real-time problems by getting involved in projects

- Training based internships for qualifying students

Our goal is to provide the best coding experience for your family.  Happy Coding

Website: www.siliconvalley4u.com

Email: info@siliconvalley4u.com

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Siliconvalley41

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/siliconvalley4u

March 14, 2019

Written by Gurumurthy Yeleswarapu, CEO/Founder of Siliconvalley4u

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